
Miscellaneous utility functions for xcp_d.


butter_bandpass(data, sampling_rate, ...[, ...])

Apply a Butterworth bandpass filter to data.

denoise_with_nilearn(preprocessed_bold, ...)

Denoise an array with Nilearn.

estimate_brain_radius(mask_file[, head_radius])

Estimate brain radius from binary brain mask file.


Convert full width at half maximum to sigma.

get_bold2std_and_t1w_xfms(bold_file, ...)

Find transform files in reverse order to transform BOLD to MNI152NLin2009cAsym/T1w space.

get_std2bold_xfms(bold_file, ...)

Obtain transforms to warp atlases from MNI152NLin6Asym to the same space as the BOLD.