
xcp_d.utils.utils.get_std2bold_xfms(bold_file, template_to_anat_xfm, anat_to_native_xfm)[source]

Obtain transforms to warp atlases from MNI152NLin6Asym to the same space as the BOLD.

Since ANTSApplyTransforms takes in the transform files as a stack, these are applied in the reverse order of which they are specified.

NOTE: This is a Node function.

  • bold_file (str) – The preprocessed BOLD file.

  • %(template_to_anat_xfm)s – The from field is assumed to be the same space as the BOLD file is in.

  • %(anat_to_native_xfm)s


transform_list – A list of paths to transform files.

Return type:

list of str


Used by:

  • to resample dseg in init_postprocess_nifti_wf for QCReport

  • to warp atlases to the same space as the BOLD data in init_functional_connectivity_nifti_wf

  • to resample dseg to BOLD space for the executive summary plots

Does not include inversion flag output because there is no need (yet). Can easily be added in the future.