
xcp_d.workflows.postprocessing.init_despike_wf(TR, cifti, mem_gb, omp_nthreads, name='despike_wf')[source]

Despike BOLD data with AFNI’s 3dDespike.

Despiking truncates large spikes in the BOLD times series. Despiking reduces/limits the amplitude or magnitude of large spikes, but preserves those data points with an imputed reduced amplitude. Despiking is done before regression and filtering to minimize the impact of spikes. Despiking is applied to whole volumes and data, and different from temporal censoring. It can be added to the command line arguments with --despike.

Workflow Graph

(Source code)

  • TR (float) – Repetition time of the BOLD run, in seconds.

  • cifti (bool) – Post-process surface data (CIFTIs) instead of volumetric data (NIFTIs). This parameter is overridden when DCAN- or HCP-format data are provided. Default is False.

  • mem_gb (float) – Memory limit, in gigabytes.

  • omp_nthreads (int) – Maximum number of threads an individual process may use.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the workflow. This is used for working directories and workflow graphs. Default is “despike_wf”.


bold_file (str) – A NIFTI or CIFTI BOLD file to despike.


bold_file (str) – The despiked NIFTI or CIFTI BOLD file.